To Our Guests

About Reservation


Our establishment operates primarily on a reservation basis, but walk-ins are also welcome. However, please note that we may have to decline entry during busy periods, such as weekends. We also have irregular days off, so we highly encourage making a reservation whenever possible.





  • 無断キャンセル…100%
  • 開催当日…100%
  • 開催前日…50%
  • 開催2日前~5日前…30%





体験について(時間)/About the Experience (Opening Hours)



The experience, including mealtime, is planned to last between 1.5 to 2 hours in total. (Please note, this may vary slightly depending on the number of participants. We recommend arriving with a flexible schedule.)

Our scheduled time slots range from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

催行人数/About the Minimum Number of Participants


The number of participants for each experience can range from 1 to 60 people.

アレルギー対策について/About Allergy Measures






At Fujiya, we primarily offer cooking classes using wheat and buckwheat flour.

For those with allergies to wheat, buckwheat, or soy (from the soy sauce used in houtou soup), we provide gluten-free and soy-free soup options. Please feel free to consult with us.

We also have menus for vegan guests. If you have any allergies or dietary restrictions due to religious reasons, please don't hesitate to contact us.

(Note: There may be trace amounts of wheat on tools and surfaces in the experience room. Even if you don't consume wheat directly, there's a possibility of an allergic reaction. Please be aware.)

見学について/About Observation






We regret to inform you that observation of our experiences is not allowed at our shop.

Due to limited seating and the possibility of having to turn away other guests, we kindly ask that everyone who comes participates in the experience. Children under the age of 4 are welcome to join the experience with an adult.

However, exceptions can be made for school trip attendants, teachers, or those supervising individuals with disabilities who cannot participate. If you fall into one of these categories, please consult with us.

Should the number of guests arriving differ from the number reserved, we may have to ask all members of your party to participate in the experience or, unfortunately, deny entry.

その他特記事項/Other Important Notes

  • 蕎麦はご提供の際に大きめのザルにお客様の茹で上がった麺をまとめてご提供させて頂きます。お手数ですが、トング・菜箸でお取り分けをお願い致します。
  • 蕎麦をお召し上がり頂く際に、めんつゆ・海苔・ワサビ・ネギは人数分まとめてご提供いたしますのでお取り分けをお願い致します。めんつゆは原液のものをお出ししますので、一緒にお出しする水で割って味を調整して頂くようお願いいたします。
  • 4才以下のお子様は無料でご参加いただけますが、食事の用意はありませんのでお食事をお持ち込みいただいても構いません。体験希望の場合は小人料金でお申し込み下さい。
  • 無料でエプロンの貸出を行っています。ご自身でお持ちいただいても構いません。ただ、お子様用のエプロンの用意はありません。必要であればご持参ください。
  • すべてのお部屋はお座敷の席になります。ご希望の方には座椅子をご利用頂けますのでお気軽にお申し付けください。(数に限りがございます。)
  • 体験の時間には食事も含まれます。
  • ご予約時にご来店される人数を年齢区分(大人、子供、幼児)別に正確にお伝えください。お伝えいただいた人数よりも多くご来店された場合は、ご予約の都合上店内へご案内できない場合がございます。
  • 体験の様子をHPやSNSに投稿するために、お客様の了承を得てから写真撮影を行う場合があります。
  • 食べきれなかった分は全品お持ち帰りいただけますので、ご希望の方にはお持ち帰り用の容器をお渡しいたします。お気軽にスタッフまでお申し付けください。
  • When serving soba, we provide the noodles in a large strainer for guests. Please use tongs or chopsticks to share. Condiments like dipping sauce, seaweed, wasabi, and green onions will be provided in bulk; please share among your party. The dipping sauce comes concentrated, so we ask you to dilute it with water provided to adjust the taste.
  • Children under 4 can join for free, but no meal will be prepared for them; bringing their food is allowed. If they wish to participate in the experience, please register them at the child rate.
  • We offer apron rentals for free, though we don't have children's sizes; you may bring your own if necessary.
  • All seating is on tatami mats, but we can provide chairs upon request (limited availability).
  • The experience includes mealtime.
  • Please inform us of the accurate number of guests by age category (adult, child, toddler) at booking. If more guests arrive than reported, we may not be able to accommodate them due to reservation constraints.
  • We may take photos for our website or social media with your consent.
  • Leftovers can be taken home; we provide containers upon request. Please ask our staff.

ご予約・お支払いについて/About Reservations & Payment




Fujike operates on a reservation-priority basis.

Reservations can be made via 【LINE@】, 【phone】, or 【email】.

Payment can be made at the venue in cash, by card, or via QR code payment.